TIGUA MASKS Tigua masks. My favorite craft is the Tigua mask since it is a very striking craft which represents a lot of our culture.In the Andean community of Tigua, in the canton of Pujilí, in the province of Cotopaxi, there are artisans and artisans who are dedicated to the elaboration of pine wood masks, which once carved are painted by hand. Many of the masks usually represent Andean and jungle animals, as well as the Devil Huma and characters from the popular festivals of northern Ecuador.These masks can be used as something decorative since it is very striking, I like it a lot since they are made made of good material and they represent a lot to the Andean cultures for which it is highly recommended as it draws attention and generates a lot of curiosity. Nombre: Luis Morocho Curso: 3º “E” CIENCIAS